K-8 Publicity Guidelines
Opt-Out Policy
Directory information includes a student’s name, address and telephone number, school and grade. It is the policy of the Westport Board of Education never to release students’ or parents’ addresses and telephone numbers without consent.
From time to time we may have contact with the media to feature a school program, to publicize an unusual achievement or activity by a student or a group of students or to announce honors or awards. Students may be photographed or televised as part of these school activities. Their names, school and grade may also be used.
Students’ names and photos may also be used in school system publications such as the annual report, newsletters, school or grade-level videos, etc. Students’ photos (without identification) may also be used on school or school system WEB pages.
A teacher may videotape a class for personal professional development, an educational article, or other professional activities.
Parents/Guardians who do not want their student to participate in such media should fill out the appropriate opt-out selection in the Returning Student Form in PowerSchool. A different form must be filled out for each student.