Superintendent's Updates
Well, Mother Nature is clearly reminding us that we live in New England. On the heels of one small storm, a couple of potent storms loom on the horizon.
As we get ready to hunker down for the Saturday night event I’d like to share some district updates:
Smartphone/Wearable Technology Update
As I shared in my update to the community on December 18 we will continue to take the time to learn, listen and thoughtfully plan as the school community considers my recommendation to restrict access to smartphones and wearable technology during the school day across all grade levels.
This approach is solidly in place for grades K-8. We have maintained the current system at Staples High School, which allows limited access during non-instructional periods, as we evaluate our next steps and consider interventions that fully restrict access during the school day.
Last week over 300 parents attended an outstanding community session on the topic of social media, smartphones, and other related issues in a keynote presentation/Q & A by Max Stossel. The feedback was incredibly positive.
When I learned that Wilton High School was implementing a full smartphone ban, I decided to slow our process down so that we can learn from our peers’ experience.
Today, I would like to recap the efforts taken so far, what is on the horizon, and what I anticipate as culminating steps.
Efforts taken so far:
Last June I provided the Board of Education with my recommendation and supporting rationale
In September, I worked to personally engage all Staples faculty in small groups to gather their input and feedback. While some opinions varied, a strong majority supported moving toward greater restrictions on smartphone use, including a full ban during the school day.
Staples High School hosted filmmaker and primary care physician, Dr. Delaney Ruston in grade level student assemblies, along with a parent evening event.
Last week, the district hosted former social media strategist Max Stossel at both middle schools for grade level assemblies and an evening parent event.
A comprehensive research review has been conducted to accurately identify the latest findings on the impact of smartphones and wearable technology on student learning and well-being. This will be part of any final presentation and action steps.
Next Steps:
Site Visit Wilton High School on February 13: In November, Wilton High School implemented a full smartphone ban. Their experience has provided us with an opportunity to learn before finalizing any changes in our district. Our site visit will take place next week. A team of Staples faculty, administrators will attend, along with a parent representative and two reporters from the Staples student newspaper, Inklings.
A town hall event for parent input/feedback, as well as one for students will be held after the site visit.
Culminating Steps:
Following the site visit to Wilton High School and the town hall events, I will bring this topic back to the Board of Education level to share my recommendations for next steps. I suspect this will be in the early spring.
Stay tuned as we continue this deliberate process to ensure we are making the best decisions regarding the presence of smartphones and wearable technology in our schools.
No Place For Hate Gallery on District Website
As mentioned earlier in the year, the district is committed to implementing The No Place for Hate program. We have developed a microsite on our website with the overview. In addition, we have added a photo gallery. You can stay up to date on the activities by following the postings on the microsite.
AI Pilot
In December I recommended to the Board of Education that the district pursue a bold strategic vision to position the Westport Public Schools as a national leader in public education’s artificial intelligence (AI) revolution. I will be returning to the Board of Education in the spring with a clear strategic plan to these ends.
In the interim, I am enthused to share that Westport has been selected as one of seven districts in the entire state to participate in an AI Pilot through the State Department of Education. This pilot will occur approximately in the months of March, April and early May in the 6th grade at Bedford Middle School (Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies), and across a small number of Science electives at Staples.
Parents of students in this pilot will receive additional information in the next couple of weeks before the pilot begins. The curriculum units will not change, but the use of the tool, SchoolAI, will be employed by faculty. This tool has been approved by the State Department of Education and aligns with the CT Data Privacy Act.
Results of the pilot will be shared widely and help inform long term efforts in the district. This pilot will serve as one effort to consider the role of AI in our schools. Much, much more to come on this topic in the coming months.
Stay warm and safe this weekend!!
Thomas Scarice
Superintendent of Schools