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Superintendent's Updates

Superintendent's Update

Good morning,

Last night the district received a number of “swatting” posts that were shared from social media. These messages were either shared from neighboring towns, or were messages of violent threats with no specificity, but shared among our students on social media.

We have worked with the Westport Police Department since last night and determined that there is no threat to our schools.  I can assure you that our students will be safe today, and they continue to be safe in our schools. 

School districts and police departments continue to be inundated with messages such as these.  I ask all parents and guardians to monitor their children’s social media. 

If messages such as these are received after school hours, please forward the message to the Westport Police Department.  Any threatening messages received during the school day should be directed to the school administration or School Resource Officer (if at Staples).   

There is no value in peer to peer forwarding of these messages.  Please discourage that with your children. 

Thank you for your support as we manage these matters and vigilantly work to maintain the highest levels of safety in our schools.  We will continue to provide additional police presence on our campuses today. 

Thomas Scarice
Superintendent of Schools

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