Public Participation Guidelines
As of June 7, 2020, the Westport Board of Education will return to in-person Board meetings. With transmission rates down, vaccination rates up, and most pandemic-related restrictions having been lifted, we are pleased that we are able to resume meeting in person with mitigation measures in place, and we welcome the public to join us. Anyone joining us in person (including Board members) must wear a mask and maintain three feet of social distancing. Those who require a mask exemption, in accordance with legal requirements, can present the required documentation in advance to Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources and General Administration John Bayers.
In the event any members of the public would prefer to continue viewing our meetings remotely, we will continue our longstanding practice of livestreaming our meetings on the Board’s website and Channel 78, and posting recordings of our meetings on our website. The procedures for public comment that had been in place before the pandemic, codified in Board Bylaw 9324, will resume, and we will no longer be providing an opportunity for written comments from the public during Board meetings. As always, however, you may reach out to us through email with any comments or feedback.
Guidelines for Public Questions/Comments
The Board may permit any town resident or employee to address the Board concerning any subject that lies within its jurisdiction during a portion of the Board's regular meetings so designated for such purpose.
First Fifteen Minutes:
Comment limited to non-agenda items. Speakers on non-agenda items are limited to 2 minutes each, except by prior arrangement with chair. Public comment on non-agenda topics may be deferred to later in the meeting when special staff or guest presentations are scheduled.
Remainder of the Meeting:
- Public may speak as agenda topics come up for discussion/information;
- Speakers on agenda items are limited to 3 minutes each, except by prior arrangement with chair
- All speakers must identify themselves by name and address, using a microphone;
- Responses to questions may be deferred if answers not immediately available;
- Board will not engage in dialogue on non-agenda items.
- Public comment normally not invited for topics listed for action after having been discussed at a prior meeting.