Public Participation Guidelines
Guidelines for Public Questions/Comments
The Board may permit any town resident or employee to address the Board concerning any subject that lies within its jurisdiction during a portion of the Board's regular meetings so designated for such purpose.
First Fifteen Minutes:
Comment limited to non-agenda items. Speakers on non-agenda items are limited to 2 minutes each, except by prior arrangement with chair. Public comment on non-agenda topics may be deferred to later in the meeting when special staff or guest presentations are scheduled.
Remainder of the Meeting:
- Public may speak as agenda topics come up for discussion/information;
- Speakers on agenda items are limited to 3 minutes each, except by prior arrangement with chair
- All speakers must identify themselves by name and address, using a microphone;
- Responses to questions may be deferred if answers not immediately available;
- Board will not engage in dialogue on non-agenda items.
- Public comment normally not invited for topics listed for action after having been discussed at a prior meeting.