Finance and Facilities Committee Agendas
It is the policy of the Town of Westport that all Town-sponsored public meetings and events are accessible to people with disabilities. If you need assistance in participating in a meeting or event due to a disability as defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act, please contact Westport’s ADA Coordinator at 203-341-1043 or at least three (3) business days prior to the scheduled meeting or event to request an accommodation.
January 13 (handouts: LLS Budget Analysis and Recommendations, SSP Facilities, Recommended 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan, Capital Project Forecast, LLS Property Condition Assessment)
February 17 (handouts: Langan Proposal for LLS, LLS Macro Schedule, Capital Project Program Update, Capital Budget Yr 22 Status), 23
March 18
April 29
June 2
January 15 (handout), 29
February 26 (handouts: BOE Paving Options, Facilities Support Proposal, Soft Costs Request)
March 9, 12 (cancelled), 19
April 23 (handouts: PAL Clubhouse Lease Agreement, Capital Projects Program Manager RFQ), 30 handout: RFQ -Capital Projects Program Manager)
May 26 (handouts: SES Roof Replacement - Award Recommendation, OSCGR - Open Construction Grants)
June 22 (handouts: Greenwood Industries Unit Pricing, Greenwood Industries Letter, Collier International Revised Recommendation, Doubleday Field House - original lease, 21-012-RFQ CSG, 21-012-RFQ Colliers)
July 7 (handouts: CSG RFQ Summary, Colliers RFQ Summary, and SHS Proposed Timeline), 13 Executive Session, 13 Public Session
August 11 (handouts: Colliers Proposal, Hunter Price Increase Announcement, Summer 2021 Projects, KHS ADA & SHS Review, Colliers Billable Hours as CPPM - July 2021)
November 5 (handout: Carryover Account MOA)
October 2, 16, 23 (handouts: Antinozzi Status Report, BMS/SHS Solar Projects, Draft Budget Calendar, CMS), 30 (handout: Draft Budget Calendar)
November 20
February 6
March 12
April 3, 30 (canceled)
May 14
December 20
September 27