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Finance and Facilities Committee Agendas

Click on meeting date to see agenda if available.

It is the policy of the Town of Westport that all Town-sponsored public meetings and events are accessible to people with disabilities. If you need assistance in participating in a meeting or event due to a disability as defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act, please contact Westport’s ADA Coordinator at 203-341-1043 or at least three (3) business days prior to the scheduled meeting or event to request an accommodation.


January 13 (handouts: LLS Budget Analysis and Recommendations, SSP FacilitiesRecommended 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan, Capital Project Forecast, LLS Property Condition Assessment)

February 17 (handouts: Langan Proposal for LLS, LLS Macro ScheduleCapital Project Program Update, Capital Budget Yr 22 Status), 23

March 18

April 29

June 2


January 15 (handout), 29

February 26 (handouts: BOE Paving OptionsFacilities Support ProposalSoft Costs Request)

March 912 (cancelled), 19

April 23 (handouts: PAL Clubhouse Lease AgreementCapital Projects Program Manager RFQ), 30 handout: RFQ -Capital Projects Program Manager)

May 26 (handouts: SES Roof Replacement - Award RecommendationOSCGR - Open Construction Grants)

June 22 (handouts: Greenwood Industries Unit PricingGreenwood Industries LetterCollier International Revised RecommendationDoubleday Field House - original lease21-012-RFQ CSG21-012-RFQ Colliers)

July 7 (handouts: CSG RFQ SummaryColliers RFQ Summary, and SHS Proposed Timeline), 13 Executive Session, 13 Public Session

August 11 (handouts: Colliers Proposal, Hunter Price Increase Announcement, Summer 2021 Projects, KHS ADA & SHS Review, Colliers Billable Hours as CPPM - July 2021)

October 1, 15, 29

November 5 (handout: Carryover Account MOA)


January 1728

May 8 (handouts)

August 21 (cancelled), 26 

October 21623 (handouts: Antinozzi Status ReportBMS/SHS Solar ProjectsDraft Budget CalendarCMS), 30 (handout: Draft Budget Calendar)

November 20


January 1623

February 6

March 12

April 3, 30 (canceled)

May 14

December 20


January 81623 - cancelled

September 27

October 111930

November 6 -cancelled, 1327

December 514


December 11

In This Section:

Recent News


In an effort to outline education plans, get students excited, and foster ongoing learning beyond the classroom, Natalie Carrignan, WPS Director of Technology, collaborated with representatives from her team of teachers last summer to develop and deploy curriculum storyboards for K-2 Information and Technology Literacy (ITL) Courses.

Read More about Curriculum Storyboards Boost Student Engagement and Parent Involvement

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